Secrets of Gamemode 4D

Secrets of Gamemode 4D

The Mega Project of Gamemode 4 that was 4D is now 2 years old. Here are some development secrets you may not have been aware of. 

How did the idea of Dimensions come into being?

Sparks and Crazyman47_ (creators of Gamemode 4) dreamt up the main concept behind 4D, dimension-hopping, at Minecon 2016. Other Gamemode 4 Developers - Bluefire610 (now Bloo___) and SpecialBuilder32 later joined, with moderators helping in the final stage.

When did the development of 4D actually start?

Too long. You could listen to the ring cycle, write a clone of  The Four Pillars Appearing from The Equal D under Resonating Apparitions of The Eternal Process in The Midwinter Starfield and still not know how much time and effort went into creating this mighty project come to life.

Bugs where you could lose items between worlds

Due to a design quirk, each dimension had its own player data storage and not in a central location. If a player lost items, this was due to an error in transferring data across. You could sometimes change worlds to find you had an older copy of your inventory

Cross dimension chat and no tping

To make chat work across dimensions, all chats were sent via a proxy. This allowed players in Upper Caves, The Overworld, and The Moon to all communicate. 

One thing that was not possible was tp-ing across dimensions. Moderators would have to travel to the location in question, which added a lot of lag time between reporting and action. However, landings did remove a lot of these issues.

How did the mandala plugin work?

You can find the source code here to browse for yourself!

It is no longer supported and works for Minecraft version 1.12.2 only, but feel free to have a look- and pick it up if you really want to.

Where did the world benders come from?

Sharing that mystery would anger them... they see all... But as a clue... The makers are the ones they are.

The Dynmap

A lot of credit needs to go to TransportLayer - one of the two system admins on 4D (alongside SpiderRobotMan), He separately rendered all the dynmaps on his personal servers to then have them on the website.

I need more 4D Goodness!

Then you in luck - below are two videos. One with questions from the community and a cinematic review.